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I Love You  Faith Hill

Performed by: Faith Hill
Transcribed by: Garry Adu-Darko
*INTRO* D, Bm Em, A
[D]I must be crazy now
[A]Maybe I dream too much
[Bm]But when I think of you
[Em]I long to feel your [A]touch
[D]to whisper in your ear
[A]words that are old as time
[Bm]words only you would you hear
if [Em]only you were m[A]ine
I wish [D]I could go back to th[D/C#]e very first day I saw y[Bm]ou
Should have m[Em]ade my move when you looked in my e[A]yes
Cause by [D]now I know that [D/F#]you feel the way that I [Bm]do
And you'd wh[Em]isper these words as you lie here by my [A]side
[D]I Lo[A]ve Y[Bm]ou
Please [Em]say you love me t[A]oo
These three w[D]ords they could change our lives f[Bm]orever
And I p[Em]romise you that we will always be t[A]ogether
Til the end of t[D]ime
See the[D] day I finally find the courage deep inside
Just to [A]walk right up to your door
But my [D]body can't move when I finally get to it
Like a t[A]housand times before
Then w[D]ithout a word you handed my this l[Bm]etter
And I h[Em]ope this binds the way into your [A]heart it said:
[D]I Lo[A]ve Y[Bm]ou
Please [Em]say you love me t[A]oo
Til the end of t[D]ime
(Up a Key and a half)
[F]Well baby I, I need a little l[C]ovin'
[F]baby I, I need a little c[C]are
[Ab]Maybe, you maybe you need somebody just to [Eb]hold you
If you [FFF]do, just reach [FFF]out
I'll be [Bb]there.[C]
[F]I Lo[C]ve Y[Dm]ou
Please [Gm]say you love me, please say you love [C]me too
These three w[F]ords they could change our lives f[Dm]orever
And I p[Gm]romise you that we will always [C]be together
[F]I Lo[C]ve Y[Dm]ou
Please [Gm]say you love me, please say you love me [C]too
Til the end of t[F]ime
If anyone has any songs that they would like transcribed, please e-mail me
at I will definatly take a crack at it.

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A Ab Bb Bm C D D/C# D/F# Dm Eb Em F Gm
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