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Your Long Journey  Emmylou Harris

Emmylou Harris Your Long Journey written by Doc Watson
Rosa Lee Watson
lyrics from
[Eb]God's given us years of [Bb]happiness [Eb]here
Now [Ab]we must [Eb]part
[Eb]And as the angels [Bb]come and [Eb]call for you
The [Bb]pains of [Eb]grief tugs[Ab] at my [Eb]heart
[Bb]Oh my darling
My darling
My heart breaks as you [Eb]take your [Ab]long jou[Eb]rney
[Eb]Oh the days will be empty
The [Bb]nights so [Eb]long without [Ab]you my [Eb]love
And when God calls for [Bb]you I'm [Eb]left alone
But [Bb]we will [Eb]meet in [Ab]heaven [Eb]above
[Bb]Oh my darling
My darling
My heart breaks as you [Eb]take your [Ab]long jour[Eb]ney
[Eb]Fond memories I'll keep of [Bb]happy [Eb]ways
That on e[Ab]arth we [Eb]trod
[Eb]And when I come we will [Bb]walk hand in [Eb]hand
As [Bb]one in [Eb]Heaven in the [Ab]family of [Eb]God
[Bb]Oh my darling
My darling
My heart breaks as you [Eb]take your [Ab]long jou[Eb]rney
From Emmylou Harris "Thirteen"
Warner Brothers Records 1986
Stormking Music Inc(BMI)

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Ab Bb Eb
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