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Harley  Johnny Cash

written by Chick Rains and Michael Martin Murphy
[G]Harley didn't have no edu[Em]cation
[C]He could hardly read and w[G]rite[D]
He was l[G]ocked into a dead-end occu[Em]pation
[C]His future didn't look too [D]bright
He worked [C]18 years on the a[G]ssembly line
[Em]Just gettin' by with a little bit of [G]overtime
And [C]that could be the end of the s[G]tory of [Em]mine
[C]But it's just the beg[D]innin'
[G]Late one night while he was workin' g[Em]raveyard
[C]Harley got himself this big [G]idea[D]
[G]All he'd have to do is cha[Em]nge one little screw
And s[C]ave millions of dollars a [D]year
So he w[C]orked and he saved 'til he could o[G]pen his own shop
[Em]Money started rollin' in like it [G]wasn't gonna stop
So [C]Harley bought a mountain and [G]built a mansion on [Em]top
So the lo[C]sers could see who was wi[D]nning
[G]Only i[C]n Ameri[G]ca
With n[C]othin' [D]but [D/F#]a dr[G]eam
Only in A[Em]merica[D]
Where every man's a [G]king
[G]First Harley's daughter Janice found a [Em]guru
[C]She gave him everything she o[G]wned[D]
[G]Then Harley Junior joined some kind of [Em]rock band
And w[C]alked around all day about half s[D]toned
His [C]wife watched TV all the ti[G]me 'cause she got bored
T[Em]hen one day she found a TV p[G]reacher she adored
And s[C]he gave all of Harley's hard-earned [G]money to the [Em]Lord
[C]Harley started drinkin' wound [G]up in Betty F[Em]ord
To [C]see if he could buy a happy en[D]ding
[G]Then some kid who worked in Harley's [Em]factory
[C]He got himself this big i[G]dea[D]
[G]Figured out how to do it with c[Em]omputers
Drove [C]Harley out of business in a y[D]ear
Now [C]Harley's back workin' the as[G]sembly line
J[Em]ust gettin' by with a little bit of [G]overtime
But d[C]on't count Harley out 'cause he a[G]in't the quittin' [Em]kind
[C]He stares at that computer with o[G]ne thing on his [Em]mind
[C]How to make them things more user f[D]riendly
G out

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C D D/F# Em G
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