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Brown Eyed Girl  Jimmy Buffett

intro: twice

after 2nd

[G]Hey where did we [C]go
[G]Days when the rains [D7]came
[G]Down in a hol[C]low
[G]Playin' a new [D7]game
[G]Laughin' and a [C]runnin'
[G]Skippin' and a [D7]jumpin'
[G]In the misty mor[C]nin' fog
[G]Our'- our [D7]hearts a thumpin' and [C]you.
[D7]My brown eyed g[G]irl [Em]
[C]Yeah, You my [D7]brown eyed [G]girl
[G]Now what ever hap[C]pened
[G]To Tuesday is oh so [D7]slow
[G]Goin' down the old[C] mine with a
[G]Transistor [D7]radio
[G]Standin' in a sunlit [C]laughing
[G]Hidin' 'hind a rai[D7]nbow's wall
[G]Slippin' and a sl[C]idin' yeah
[G]All along the wa[D7]terfall with you[C]
[D7]My brown eyed gir[G]l [Em]
[C]You my [D7]brown eyed gi[G]rl
[D7]Do you remember when
We used to sing
[G]Sha la la la la la[C] la la la la [G]la ti da[D7]
[G]Sha la la la la la[C] la la la la [G]la ti da[D7]
[G]So hard to find [C]my way
[G]Now that I'm o[D7]n my own
[G]Thought about it just [C]the other day
[G]My, where'd the t[D7]imes all gone
[G]Can't remember back then [C]Lord
[G]Sometimes I'm ove[D7]rcome thinkin' 'bout
[G]Laughin and a ru[C]nning, hey, hey,
[G]Uh behind the s[D7]tadium with you [C]
[D7]My brown eyed gir[G]l [Em]
[C]You my[D7] brown eyed gir[G]l
[D7]Do you remember when
We used to sing
[G]Sha la la la la la[C] la la la la [G]la ti da[D7]
[G]Sha la la la la la[C] la la la la [G]la ti da[D7]
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da Oh oh oh oh
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da Oh oh oh oh
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da

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C D7 Em G
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