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Country Man  Luke Bryan

Luke Bryan - Country Man
[E] [A] [E] [E] [B]  
[E] [A] [E] [E] [B] [E]  
Verse 1
You need [E]hands, [A]rough not [E]soft
To [E]come and warm you up up in that [B]cold hayloft
Let me [E]hold you little darlin in my b[A]ig strong a[E]rms
Cant g[E]et these kinda muscles anywh[B]ere but a f[E]arm
Chorus 1
He[E]y, Im a c[A]ountry m[E]an
A [E]city boy cant do the th[B]ings I can
I can [E]grow my own groceries, and s[A]alt-cure a [E]ham
He[E]y, baby, Im a c[B]ountry ma[E]n.
[E] [A] [E] [E] [B]  
[E] [A] [E] [E] [B] [E]  
Verse 2
I got a [E]JEEP, with c[A]amouflage s[E]eats
That [E]way nobody sees up parked back [B]up in these trees
Your little [E]IPods loaded down with Ho[A]obasta[E]nk
Dont be a ta[E]pe player hater, girl were gr[B]oovin to Hank[E].
Chorus 2
He[E]y, Im a c[A]ountry m[E]an
A cit[E]y boy cant do the th[B]ings I can
I can h[E]otwire your tractor and [A]plow up your l[E]and
He[E]y, baby, Im a co[B]untry ma[E]n.
You like the I[A]vy League, Humvee, tennis sweater type
But gi[B]rl Im to tell ya, dont believe the hype
He[E]y, Im a c[A]ountry ma[E]n
I can w[E]restle hogs and gators with my t[B]wo bare hands
Girl, you [E]better move quick, Im in h[A]igh dema[E]nd
He[E]y, baby, Im a co[B]untry ma[E]n.
He[E]y, Im co[A]untry ma[E]n
[E]Huntin me a good ole co[B]untry girlfriend
Why d[E]ont you come and join me in my n[A]ew deer st[F#]and?
Hey,[E] baby, Im a c[B]ountry m[E]an.
Hey,[E] baby, Im a c[B]ountry m[E]an.

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