To Think I Used to Love You Uncle Kracker You made me laugh some You m[D]ade me cry some t[A]oo You sent me off into a world of pain And m[D]ade me someone n[E]ew You m[D]ade all kinds of p[A]romises But o[D]nly some came t[A]rue [D]Now I know you n[A]eed me m[E]ore than I need y[A]ou (CHORUS) [D]To think I used to l[A]ove you For r[D]easons I don't k[A]now You po[D]lished up my h[A]alo And I di[D]rtied up your s[E]oul [D]I sure had a g[A]ood time But we b[D]oth know I can't s[A]tay To th[D]in (