Eb D° Eb The music box is all that's left in the empty house D° Cm Must've left it when they moved out ehind you Something to remind you Something to remind you Something to remind you The ones you left behind you The music box plays a song that I used to love But now I can't remember what it was For my memory has faded *Note the ascending bass line at the end of the second chorus the leads into a The last quiet verse uses the same chords as the first verse but fades out on a couple alter (azchords.com)
Eb D° Eb The music box is all that's left in the empty house D° Cm Must've left it when they moved out ehind you Something to remind you Something to remind you Something to remind you The ones you left behind you The music box plays a song that I used to love But now I can't remember what it was For my memory has faded *Note the ascending bass line at the end of the second chorus the leads into a The last quiet verse uses the same chords as the first verse but fades out on a couple alterna (guitaretab.com)
Eb D° Eb The music box is all that's left in the empty house D° Cm Must've left it when they moved out ehind you Something to remind you Something to remind you Something to remind you The ones you left behind you The music box plays a song that I used to love But now I can't remember what it was For my memory has faded *Note the ascending bass line at the end of the second chorus the leads into a The last quiet verse uses the same chords as the first verse but fades out on a couple alterna (guitartabs.cc)