VOICINGS The chords can be played with any voicing of course and the song still sounds OK. The ones I tabbed out below, however, are close to the ones used in the original recording and make it sound, well ... good. :) Enjoy! VERSE INTRO | Bm | % | Esus4 | E | You horseman of the a[]pocalypse INTERLUDE |6/4 Bm E |6/4 Bm E |6/4 Bm E | INTRO | Bm | % | Esus4 | E | Bm | % | Esus4 | E | So khorseman of the a[]pocalypse INTERLUDE |6/4 Bm E |6/4 Bm E |4/4 Bm E | SOLO | Em | F#m7 | Gmaj7 | (guitaretab.com)