Know Your Enemy Green Day Hey, this is my first chords so take it easy okay? Green Day - Know Your Enemy CHORUS [A]Do you know[D] the en[A]emy? [A] Do you know [D]your ene[A]my? Well, [A]gotta know [D]the ene[A]my, Wah [E]Ay x3 VERSE [A]Violence is [D]an ener[A]gy [A]_ Against [D]the ene[A]my Well [A]violence is [D]an ener[A]gy, Wah [E]Ay [A]Bringing on [D]the fu[A]ry [A] _ The cho[D]ir infan[A]try Re[A]volt against [D]the honor [A]to [E]obey, (Oh weh, oh weh) [A]Overthrow [D]th (