Heartless Man Mick Flannery This is one of Mick's songs off his new album Red to Blue and one of my personal favorites. Enjoy. After each chorus play the into chords again. Intro: | C | Am | Em | G | (x2) [C]She [Am]lays her [Em]plans[G], [C]One [Am]way one [Em]chance.[G] [Am]He [B]waits [F]hopin' [G]she will under[Am]stand, That [B]now [F]nothin' is [G]runnin' out like [C]that.[Am] The [Em]walls of the [G]promised [C]land,[Am] In the [Em]arms of the [G]heartless [C]man. [C]Him [Am]blood r (guitartabs.cc)