Blood in Alphabet Soup Marcy Playground Song: Blood in Alphabet Soup Intro: C G# C G# C G# G Verse 1: I [C]think I'll [G#]tell a friend J[C]ust to let[G#] 'em in [C]on a se[G#]cret I k[G]now [C]No, I b[G#]etter not I[C]'m too par[G#]anoid [C]to let an[G#]yone k[G]now Chorus: I[C]'m fe[Eb]eling [G]so [Eb]pro[C]ud [Eb]I can sp[G]ell [Eb]bloo[C]d in [Eb]alpha[G]bet [Eb]sou[C]p Can y[C]ou No sorry Verse 2: I'm the only one I'm the only one I'm the only one Hahahahahaha And you will (