Topic: Cloak of invisibility

I wrote  this  song  a  couple  of  days  ago  please read it  and  tell  me  what  you  think  its  about  please  also  comment  about  how  you interpret   the  chorus  lines  and  the  bridge as well .
I  have  reasons  for  this  request  so  dont  hold  back  on your  comments . I'll post  a  recording  later .

The cloak of invisibility

Em                         Am
People of a certain age
D                     Em
they tend to disappear
Em                     Am
as they walk along the street
D                                      Em
there's many things they fear
C                        Em                  Am               D~
What is there and  what  is not ,what is  reality
Em                           Am                        D         Em
you walk  the streets unnoticed  as you pass invisibly
Em                                        Am
The  young think  you dont know a thing
D                      Em
its like you never lived
Em                                      Am
all the  things you  learned in life
D                                  Em
theres lots  that you can  give 
C                        Em                  Am           D~
What is there and  what  is not ,what is  reality
Em                           Am                        D         Em
you walk  the streets unnoticed  as you pass invisibly
C                                 D                            Em
And all the  time you wonder  what's  the point
C                       D                  Em
if no one listens to  a word you say
C                   D                            Em
maybe  you should keep it  to your self
C                 D                     Em
maybe you should just fade away
Em-C           Em-C
fade away   fade away

Em                      Am
when your time is ended
D                                    Em
and they put you in the  ground
Em                                 Am
the pages of the history books
D                          Em
your final words  resound
C                        Em                  Am                      D~
What was  there and  what  was not , what was  reality
Em                           Am                        D         Em
Maybe  then they will see you  as you pass invisibly

2 (edited by TIGLJK 2016-06-07 23:41:55)

Re: Cloak of invisibility


I am pretty sure I know what it's about.  It keeps me going in fact!

I have been teaching for almost 40 years..... and I have seen some teachers that were well loved and respected...students adored them......
yet after they retired, it was like they became " nobody"  anymore.     It's onward and upward for the young.... they forget ab out you pretty fast. Just as you wrote in the lyrics... getting old brings on a cloak of invisibilty...but not in a good way.

It's the same at family gatherings... you see the older ones  kinda pushed aside...not invited to dance on the floor, play in the game, sing in the band.....    and then that doubt creeps in about whether or not you're needed any more.  Erik Erikson referred to that as ego integrity vs. despair - I think that was what this was about.... but hey - I 've been wrong plenty of times before.

Liked it Graham....

looking forward to your recording of it, but not looking forward to my cloak at all !  sad

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Cloak of invisibility

i agree with jim, and like i like to say; "you never die as long as someone remembers you", so i think about the important people in my life as often as i can.

now back to the song, i recognise all the sentiments, yet regardless of all the drinking, drug taking, fighting and general lunacy locally i find that there are a lot of good kids that show respect, and quite often i wish not to be asked to get up and sing with the band or dance., so the cloak of invisibility would come in quite handy.

look forward to the recording and what it's all about (alfie?)

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Cloak of invisibility

Thanks  guys  for  the  review  I'll let it  run for  a while I'm  interested  to  hear what  every  one  thinks .

Re: Cloak of invisibility

Grah1 wrote:

Thanks  guys  for  the  review  I'll let it  run for  a while I'm  interested  to  hear what  every  one  thinks .

Good tune.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Cloak of invisibility

It's really kind of timeless in that, most folks probably go through this type of thought process as they come to grips with the fact that their time here on this blue ball is approaching it's conclusion.

Very well written Graham

[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]

7 (edited by Peatle Jville 2016-06-09 08:28:53)

Re: Cloak of invisibility

One thing I have noticed about age is it is easier to not want to be part  of the modern world. Younger people are more conected by technology where I tend to keep its use to a minimum. Another thing I notice  some people seem sometimes to assume once you get past 60 you start to become incapable. As a result some older people get deprived the opportunity to be part of what younger people are doing. So the older people become invisable. Lukily for me even though Im in my 60s I  still havent figured out what I am going to do when I grow up. Good observational lyrics Grah.

Re: Cloak of invisibility

Hmmmm this is one of those thought provoking songs.   I definitely think older people can be over looked, forgotten, not even acknowledged, making them very much invisible.  Some of them with years of experience, expertise, knowledge of many things in life, only to die with them.  Fortunately if we look hard enough,  there are some who  are very much loved, cherished and appreciated .......... it would be wonderful if this was the norm!

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >

Re: Cloak of invisibility

Growing old is mandatory, giving up being young at heart is optional.

"well I don't know but I been told
If you never slow down, you never grow old"
Tom Petty   ( Mary Jane's Last Dance)

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Cloak of invisibility

I  posted  this  a  while  ago  but  never  got  round  to  posting  a  vid  to  go  with  it ,Today  the  village  magazine  had  an  article in it  entitled  Cloak of  Invisibility ,its  pure  co-incidence  as I've never  played this  song   at  any  of  my  pub gigs .So  I did  this  quick  recording  tonight  and  will  try  and  upload  the  article  later.

Re: Cloak of invisibility

12 (edited by dino48 2016-08-08 00:35:55)

Re: Cloak of invisibility

Great tune Graham. These words are great and the Asian People admire their elders.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Cloak of invisibility

My gramps was in a pretty heavy depression before he passed away. No doubt, this was the cause.  I wish we had been closer, because I loved listening to his stories.  It's always been a "thing" of mine that I'd want to see pictures of my parents and grandparents from their younger days and listen to their stories - from the time I was little.  To know loving cuddly grandma was one thing, but to really KNOW WHO SHE WAS was - even just from listening to stories ... AMAZING!  I have a photo of one of my Grandmothers in a leotard and ballet slippers from when she was a teenager.  It's one of my favorite photos of family, of her.  She was so beautiful!  When she started going downhill, a little dementia kicked in.  She didn't realize it, and I thoroughly enjoyed a few of the conversations we had.  She thought I was my mom.  Talking with her as if I was her daughter rather than her granddaughter was... a really special moment for me that I cherish in an odd way.  I don't know if that makes any sense. 

Anyhow... sorry I didn't see this until now, Graham!  Thank you so much for the thought provoking lyrics, song, and article.  I'm very proud to say that my son is currently working in an assisted living facility (that specializes in caring for patients diagnosed with dementia), and he loves working there and listening to their stories and chatting them up about their youth.  He's let me know a few times how it doesn't feel at all like "work".  smile

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.