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Fireflies  Faith Hill

[D]Before you met me [DM7]I was a fairy pri[G]ncess
[D]I caught frogs and c[DM7]alled them prince
And ma[G]de myself a qu[D]een
[D]And before you knew me I[DM7]'d traveled 'round the[G] world
And I s[D]lept in castles
And f[DM7]ell in love
Because [G]I was taught to d[A]ream
I found m[G]ayonnaise bottles and poked [D]holes on top
To c[G6]apture Tinker [D]Bell
And th[G]ey were just fireflies to the unt[D]rained eye
But I[G] could always [A]tell
C[G]ause I believe in f[D]airy tales
An[G]d dreamer's dreams
Like b[D]edsheet sails
And [G]I believe in [D]Peter Pan
And [G]miracles, a[D]nything I can to ge[A]t by
And fireflies[D]
[D]Now before I grew up[DM7] I saw you on a [G]cloud
And I could [D]bless myself i[DM7]n your name
And [G]pat you on your [A]wings
[D]And before I grew up [DM7]I heard you whisper[G] so loud
[D]Well life is hard and [DM7]so is love
Child, bel[G]ieve in all these [A]things
[D]Before you met me [DM7]I was a fairy pri[G]ncess
[D]I caught frogs and c[DM7]alled them prince
And ma[G]de myself a qu[A]een
[D]And before you knew me I[DM7]'d traveled 'round the[G] world[A]
And I s[D]lept in castles
And f[DM7]ell in love
Because [G]I was taught to dream[D]

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A D Dm7 G G6
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