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the good stuff2  Kenny Chesney

[G]  [D/F#]     [Em]   [D]  [C]  [C]  Verse:
Well [G]me and my lady had our [D/F#]first big fight
So I [Em]drove around 'til I saw the [D]neon lights
Of a [C]corner bar, and it [C/B]just seemed right, so I [Am7]pulled up
Not a [G]soul around but the [D/F#]ol' barkeep
[Em]Down at the end lookin [D]half asleep
But [C]he walked up and said [C/B]what'll it be, I said the [Am7]good stuff
[C/B]   He [C]didn't reach around for the [D]whiskey, He [C]didn't pour me a b[D]eer,
His [C]blue eyes kinda went m[D]isty,
He said [Em]you can't find that here
[/F#]Cause it's the [G]first long kiss on a [D/F#]second date
[Em]Mamma's all worried when you [G]get home late
And [C]droppin the ring in the spa[C/B]ghetti plate,
Cause your [Am]hands are [C/B]shaking so [C]much [D]
And it's the [G]way she looks with r[D/F#]ice in her hair
[Em]Eatin burnt suppers the [G]whole first year
And a[C]skin for seconds, to [C/B]keep her from tearin [Am]up, [C/B] [C]
Yeah [D]man that's the [G]good st[D/F#]uff [C] [C]

~~> C G D/F# C C

He said [D]when you get home she'll s[G]tart to cry
When s[D]he says I'm sorry, say [G]so am I
And [G]look in[D/F#]to those [Em]eyes so [D]deep in [C]love
And drink it [D]up
Cause that's the [G]good st[D/F#]uff [C] [C]
G D/F# C C C~~~
That's the good stuff
-Nick Gibson (

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Am Am7 C C/B D D/F# Em G
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