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Space Oddity  David Bowie

[C]Ground control to Major [Em]Tom [C]Ground control to Major [Em]Tom:
[Am]Take your [Am7/G]protein pills and [D7]put your helmet on
[C]Ground control to Major [Em]Tom: [C]Commencing countdown engine's [Em]on
[Am]Check ig-[Am7/G]nition and may [D7]God's love be with you
[C]This is ground control to Major [E7]Tom, you've really made the [F]grade!
And the [Fm]papers want to [C/E]know whose shirts you [F]wear,
now it's [Fm]time to leave the [C/E]capsule if you [F]dare
[C]This is Major Tom to ground con-[E7]trol, I'm stepping through the [F]door
And I'm [Fm]floating in the [C/E]most peculiar [F]way
and the [Fm]stars look very [C/E]difeerent to[F]day
For [Fmaj7]here am I [Em7]sitting in a tin can, [Fmaj7]far above the [Em7]world
[Bbmaj7]Planet Earth is [Am]blue and there's [G]nothing I can [F]do

[Fmaj7]             [Em7]             [A]   [C] [D] [E]
[C]Though I'm passed one hundred thousand [E7]miles, I'm feeling very [F]still
And I [Fm]think my spaceship [C/E]knows which way to [F]go,
tell my [Fm]wife I love her [C]very much she [F]knows
[G]Ground control to [E7]Major Tom:
Your [Am]circuit's dead, there's [Am7/G]something wong.
Can you [D7]hear me Major Tom?
Can you [C/G]hear me Major Tom?
Can you [G]hear me Major Tom? Can you ...
[Fmaj7]Here am I [Em7]floating round my tin can, [Fmaj7]far above the [Em7]moon
[Bbmaj7]Planet Earth is [Am]blue and there's [G]nothing I can [F]do

[C] [F] [G] [A] [A]
CHORDS: Fmaj7 x 3 3 2 1 0 C/E 0 3 2 0 1 0
Am7/G x 0 3 0 2 1 C/G 3 3 2 0 1 0
Bbmaj7 x 2 3 2 3 1

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A Am Am7/G Bbmaj7 C C/E C/G D D7 E E7 Em Em7 F Fm Fmaj7 G

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