Mother Pink Floyd
[G]Mother do you think they'll drop the bom[C]b? [D] [G]
[G]Mother do you think they'll like this son[C]g?[D] [G]
[C]Mother do you think they'll try to break my bal[G]ls?
[D]Ohhhh.. [C]Ahhhh.. Mother should I build the wa[G]ll?
[G]Mother should I run for presiden[C]t?[D] [G]
[G]Mother should I trust the government[C]?[D] [G]
[C]Mother will they put me in the firing line[G]?
[D]Ohhhh... [C]Ahhhhh.. is it just a waste of time[G]?
[G]Hush now baby don't you cr[C]y
[F]Mama's gonna make all of your [C]nightmares come true
[F]Mama's gonna put all of her [C]fears into you,
[F]Mama's gonna keep you right here, [C]under her wing,
[F]She won't let you fly, but she [C]might let you sing,
[F]Mama's gonna keep baby c[C]ozy and w[G]arm
[D]Ohhhh... [C]Babe,
[D]Ohhhh... [C]Babe,
[D]Ohh... Babe, [C]of course mama's gonna help build the wa[G]ll
[G]Mother do you think she's good enough[C].. fo[G]r me?
[G]Mother do you think she's dangerous..[C] to[G] me?
[C]Mother will she tear your little boy apa[G]rt?
[D]Oohhhh.. [C] Aaahhh...
[C]Mother will she break my heart[G]?
[G]Hush now baby don't you cry[C]
[F]Mama's gonna cheak out all of your [C]girlfriends for you,
[F]Mama won't let anyone[C] dirty get through,
[F]Mama's gonna wait up,[C] until you get in,
[F]Mama will always find out [C]just where you've been,
[F]Mama's gonna keep baby, [C]healthy and clean[G]
[D]Ooohhhh... B[C]aby,
[D]Ooohhhh... B[C]aby,
[D]Ooohhhh baby, you'll[C] always be baby to [G]me
[G]Mother did it need to be so [C]high?
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guitarminator (report)
so lets see someone make this better.
SeventeenS3conds2Liv3 (report)
The C and D or supposed to be vise-versa
Asmodeus (report)
C and G incorrect in two places only
sharleeguitarlee (report)
very cool Thanx very close too orgy, I use my tunes for fire singing gettalongs
chrgibson (report)
There are a few G to Cs which should be C to G and vice versa