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Hound Dog  Status Quo

Famous In The Last Century 2000
You aint nothin' but a ho[G]und dog cryin' all the time
You aint nothin' but a h[C]ound dog cryin' all the t[G]ime
Well you aint n[D]ever caught a rabbit so you a[C]int no friend of m[G]ine
Well they said you was hig[G]h-classed well that was just a lie
Yeah they said you was hi[C]gh-classed well that was just a li[G]e
Well you ain't ne[D]ver caught a rabbit and you ai[C]n't no friend of mi[G]ne
You aint nothin' but a ho[G]und dog cryin' all the time
You aint nothin' but a h[C]ound dog cryin' all the t[G]ime
Well you aint n[D]ever caught a rabbit so you a[C]int no friend of m[G]ine
Well they said you was h[G]igh-classed well that was just a lie
Yeah they said you was hi[C]gh-classed well that was just a li[G]e
Well you ain't ne[D]ver caught a rabbit and you ai[C]n't no friend of mi[G]ne
Well they said you was h[G]igh-classed well that was just a lie
Yeah they said you was hi[C]gh-classed well that was just a l[G]ie
Well you ain't ne[D]ver caught a rabbit and you ai[C]n't no friend of mi[G]ne
You aint nothin' but a You aint nothin' but a hound dog cryin' all the time
You aint nothin' but a h[C]ound dog cryin' all the t[G]ime
Well you aint n[D]ever caught a rabbit so you a[C]int no friend of m[G]ine
Well you aint never caught a rabbit so you aint no friend of mine

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+3 semitones
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