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Jolene  Dolly Parton

[Am]        [C]        [G]        [Am]        [G]    [Em] [Am] 
[Am]Jolene, Jo[C]lene, Jole[G]ne, Jol[Am]ene
I'm b[G]egging of you pl[Em]ease don't ta[Am]ke my man
[Am]Jolene, Jol[C]ene, Jo[G]lene. J[Am]olene
[G]Please don't take him [Em]just because[Am] you can
(Please don't take him even though you can)
Verse 1
Your [Am]beauty is bey[C]ond compare with fl[G]aming locks of aubu[Am]rn hair
With i[G]vory skin and e[Em]yes of emerald g[Am]reen.

Your s[Am]mile is like a bre[C]ath of spring your voi[G]ce is soft like summ[Am]er rain
And [G]I can not co[Em]mpete with you Jo[Am]lene.

He [Am]talks about you [C]in his sleep and there's n[G]othing I can [Am]do to keep
From c[G]rying when he c[Em]alls your name Jo[Am]lene
Now [Am]I can easily u[C]nderstand how y[G]ou could easily t[Am]ake my man
But you [G]don't know what he [Em]means to me J[Am]olene

[Am]You can have your ch[C]oice of men but [G]I could never [Am]love again
[G]He's the only o[Em]ne for me J[Am]olene

I [Am]had to have this [C]talk with you, my ha[G]ppiness dep[Am]ends on you
And wha[G]tever you de[Em]cide to do Jo[Am]lene

[Am]Jolene   Jolene.

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Am C Em G
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RobShriver (report)

Capo 4th fret to match the recording.